Selasa, 21 Maret 2017

I ).
I will introduce my self
My name is : Ria Nadila
Date of  birt ; I4-juli-I998
Age ; I8 years . 
Hometown : Kecamatan Ella hilir . Kabupaten Melawi
parent's name : -father ; Hamdi Alwi
                       -mother ; Salamiah
Ambition ; Teacher
Hobby : Stroll
Which school are you from : SDN I, SMPN I, SMA PGRI 2 .
My generastion from 20I6
      Oke here I will tell me what my reason go to college then the reason I got Tanjungpura University and then the reasons why I choos Economic education .
- Firtst, the reason I got to college in order to the  fursue my dream who dreamed of a small . To go to college we can also learn frugality and in college we also how the air solidarity .
- Then a second random why I chose Tanjungpura University because in Tanjungpura University indeed my desire since sitting in class 3 SMA I want to sign Tanjungpura University . This Unisversity also well known and Tanjungpura University also many students can scholas ships bidimiksi . In Tanjungpura University also including renowned Universites in west borneo .
- And last reason why I;m taking economic education, because my drems to become a teacher . Then in economic education so much covers all subject, rangging from the way businnes management, marketing then learn how to manage company . In the education of our economic as well leart how to become a profesional teacher and also lot of education give motivate ho we plunge into society some day .
      So many introductions and my strory, may be userful for the readers . less and move shall apologize


Kamis, 16 Maret 2017


 3 ).This time I will discuss about my ability
- My ability is in field art is dance why do I say dance, is my ability because when the dancing I could feel can in everyting and his movement because dance is also a my hobby . Most of my dance love is a dance melayu . Malay dance is very easy and gentle movements . For me the ability I was pretty good dancing . With the ability to dance I can also feel spasticity on my body .

- I can develop my ability can in like manner often exercise lone when no time to spare, I was also able to follow a dance studio can also by following the stage his existing art dance . The dance can also be developed by wan often contest dancing, such as eventes oath of youth, farawell, dies natalies, and other . For me dancing is so mething uniue because not that many many people can do . Because a persan's ability that differ perhaps in terms of dancing they are not too be done in part people then I would choose since I prefer if ability that not many people there that I can do alone .

Maybe so first story of my on my abilyty we are sorry . If there is one word and also to the readers .I and

Wabillahitopik walhidayah wassalamualaikum...wr...wb...

Selasa, 07 Maret 2017

tugas vocabulary focus

Profession of an economist
 1.   Vocabulary
Society            : masyarakat
Goods             : barang-barang
Labor              : tenaga kerja
Effor               : usaha
Satisfy             : memberi kepuasan
Analyze           : menganalisa
Determine       : menentukan
Benefits           : kebaikan
Employed        : dipekerjakan
Engage             : mengikutsertakan
Develop           : berkembang
Theoretical      : teroris
Provide            : menyediakan
Government    : pemerintah
Wears              : pemakaian
Forecast           : ramalan
Half                 : paruhan/separuh
Gains               : laba
Loses               : kehilangan
Useful             : berguna
Investment      : investasi
Firms               : perusahaan/firma
French             : orang prancis/prancis
Existence         : adanya/keadaan
Assured           : percaya
Fringe              : pinggiran
Prefers             : lebih suka
Risktaking       : mengambil resiko
Initiative          : inisiatif
Employee        : pegawai/pekerja
Percentage       : presentase
Measured        : telah diperhitungkan
Increase           : pertambahan
Regarded        : menghormati
Wage               : gaji
Independence : kemerdekaan,kebebasan
Tax                  : pajak
Revenues         : pendapatan
Resorces          : sumber penghasilan

Exercise 1
1.      Check
2.      Monitor
3.      Monitor
4.      Control
5.      Control

Exercise 2
1)      Costs (n)                : P. 1, L : 6 meaning expenses, outlay
2)      Monitor (v)            : P. 5, L : 2 meaning control, manage
3)      Flair(n)                  : P. 4, L : 5 meaning skill, talent, inclination
4)      Entrepreneur (n)    : p. 4, L : 3 meaning employer
5)      Forecast (n)           : P. 3, L : 1 meaning prediction
6)      Provide (v)            : P. 2, L : 4 meaning supply, equip, outfit
7)      Job-setting (n)       : P. 2, L : 1 meaning place of work
8)      Liable(a)                : P. 5, L : 4 meaning responsible

Exercise 3
1.      Self-employed means having the qualities that are needed to succeed as an entrepreneur.
2.      An entrepreneurial is a person who sets up business and business deals .
3.      A tycoon is a person who is successful in business and so has become rich and powerful .
4.     The industry will have to pass its increased benefits or fringe benefits on to the consumer .
5.      The management will qualify  accommodation, food and drink for thirty people .
6.      He as alwas been liable for his children .
7.      The provide of the job include a car and free health insurance .
8.      He won’t  forecasts as an economist until next year.
9.    An individual hoping to start up a new company needs to have entrepreneurial flair or telent .
10.   Unfortunately coasts of higher profist did not come true .
11.   Economists are concerned with the production distribution and consumption .