Selasa, 02 Mei 2017

 Next is the third way of making . I. We prepare all the tools and materials to be made 2. Take the plate and knife then take the cashew into the dish 3. Then wash the guava clean 4. After washing then cut the top of the guava or the head and also the bottom 5. After that then split the guava into two parts for the part to be smaller and delicious if eaten 6. After all is done then wash back the guava to be cleaner 7. Next we prepare again dimples to pound pepper 8. Next we prepare again dimples to pound pepper9. Put enough chillies (according to each taste) then input enough salt, then input the micin to taste, half input a small shrimp paste                                                                                                             I0. Next then mash the chilli until it becomes more smooth II. After the chilli smooth, then sugar input I-2 spoons . Then mash back the chili that has been mixed with sugar                                                                                                                            I2. After everything smooth the water input slightly, the water about 2 tablespoonI3. Then stir  the chili flat  I4  After finished the guava and chili ready to serve .  Well that"s a guava rujak tutorial that I can deliver . more and my lack of apology . Thanks for the readers . I ended                                                                                                                       Wabillahitopik walhidayah Assalamualaikum...wr...wb... 

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